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Airbnb will send you to Italy to become a Temporary Citizen of a rural, almost abandoned village.

Ready to take a summer sabbatical? Airbnb has you covered.

If you’ve ever wanted to pack up your life and just go, here’s your chance! Airbnb is footing the bill to send four lucky people to the rural Italian village of Grottole for an “Italian Sabbatical. The chosen few will experience authentic Italian life, that is to say, completely immersing themselves into the local culture for three months. As a designated “temporary citizen” of the village, as such, you will learn how to speak Italian. Learn how to cooking Italian food. Learn how to run a community vegetable garden and how to farm. Oh… and don’t forget the cappuccino!

The temporary citizens will eventually welcome visitors to the village, and will host their own Airbnb Experience. The goal of the Sabbatical is to revitalize the village of Grottole. The ancient city has only 300 people and more than 600 empty homes. Therefore, at risk of disappearing. 

The Italian Sabbatical is sponsored by Airbnb, and in partnership with Wonder Grottole, a social enterprise specialized in urban regeneration. If chosen, you will be a temporary citizen of Grottole from June 1 – August 30, 2019.

Entry Details

The contest ends on February 17, 2019 at 11:59 PM Central European Time. You only need to answer a few questions about why you’re the perfect person for the position. 

Enter the contest at


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